Fashion Revolution is a pivotal movement within the fashion industry, catalyzed by the tragic events of the Rana Plaza disaster in 2013. As an integral part of the global fashion community, SANE Standard recognizes the importance of this movement and is deeply committed to its principles.

Fashion Revolution, spearheaded by Carry Somers and Orsola de Castro, has evolved into the largest fashion activism movement worldwide. Its mission revolves around mobilizing individuals, brands, and policymakers through comprehensive initiatives in research, education, and advocacy.

At its core, Fashion Revolution is a collective effort involving a diverse array of stakeholders. From designers to policymakers, academics to consumers, workers to industry leaders, Fashion Revolution unites individuals across the entire fashion ecosystem. This inclusive approach underscores the interconnectedness of all participants, emphasizing that we are not only the wearers of clothes but also the creators.

Every year, the movement coordinates the Fashion Revolution Week is its annual campaign bringing together the world’s largest fashion activism movement for seven days of action surrounding the anniversary of the Rana Plaza factory collapse on 24th April 2013.

SANE Standard aligns with Fashion Revolution’s vision for a global fashion industry that prioritizes environmental conservation, human well-being, and ethical practices over relentless growth and profit. By promoting sustainable fashion products, SANE Standard actively contributes to the realization of this vision.

By promoting transparency, accountability, and ethical practices, SANE Standard strives to uphold the principles of Fashion Revolution and create a more sustainable future for fashion.

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