Linen is a type of natural fiber derived from the flax plant.
It consumes far fewer resources than cotton or polyester (such as water, energy, pesticides, insecticides, and fertilizers). Additionally, 60% less water is required to grow flax compared to cotton.
Unlike cotton, which needs warm temperatures, flax grows easily in some areas of Europe like France and Belgium.
Flax can grow in poor soil, which is not used for food production. It may even help to restore polluted soil in some cases. Furthermore, flax plants also have a high carbon absorption rate.
However, the production process of linen is longer and more difficult than cotton. Part of it is also still done by hand, which makes linen prices often expensive.
For these reasons, linen is part of SANE Approved Material List. It means that a product made of at least 90% linen (or blended with other SANE Approved Material) and produced in a facility holding a SANE Scope Certificate is eligible to be certified SANE.
Copy partner: Sustain Your Style; Picture: Eva Bronzini
Sources: Analyse de Cycle de Vie comparée d’une chemise en lin et d’une chemise en coton